Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Allurion Balloon
Gastric Sleeve Endoscopy

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

What is bariatric surgery and what does it involve?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a procedure to treat obesity by reducing the size of the stomach and therefore its capacity. This technique removes 75% to 80% of the stomach to create a long tubular stomach. It is the primary option for patients with extreme obesity and may also include those with a BMI over 30 and associated conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, or metabolic syndrome.

What type of anesthesia is used?

General anesthesia.

Days to return to work and country where you reside?

A total of 14 days to return to a normal routine.

Post-operative consultation?

5 consultations in total (1st at 7 days, 2nd at 3 weeks, 3rd at 3 months, 4th at 6 months, 5th at 1 year).


This surgery has a minimal risk of 0.5%. Minimally invasive tools such as laparoscopy and robotic surgery are used.


Patients over 65 years old and with cardiac problems.

When can I lead a normal life?

One week after the procedure.

Weight to lose and estimated time?

About 1/2 pound per day.

Can the patient experience pain?

It is normal to experience some discomfort in the first few days; however, medication is prescribed to manage this. Typically, there is little to no pain.

Can I drink alcohol?

Alcohol consumption is not recommended after this type of procedure.

When can I go to the gym?

After 3 weeks from the procedure.

Age to undergo gastric sleeve surgery?

From 16 years old and up.

When can I drive?

You can drive after 2 weeks.

Can I have surgery after pregnancy?

Yes, the procedure can be performed one year after pregnancy.

What to eat and what not to eat before and after surgery?

Prior to surgery, a pre-surgical diet is followed to reduce visceral fat levels, followed by 21 days of a liquid diet post-surgery.

Medications I should not take before?

Anticoagulants and contraceptives.

When can I have children?

You can have children one year and six months after the procedure.

Can I go to beaches, swimming pools?

You can go 3 weeks after the operation.