If you’ve suffered from the severe pain that often comes with a gallbladder problem, you’re probably relieved to have the troublesome organ removed. Gallbladder surgery relieves pain and is often the only effective treatment.

What is the procedure for gallbladder removal?

The gallbladder is a small organ located in the upper-right quadrant of your abdomen, beneath your liver. The gallbladder aids digestion by storing and releasing bile, which breaks down nutrients and vitamins and transports them to the small intestine as needed.

Bile is composed of fats, fluids, bilirubin (a yellowish substance produced during red blood cell breakdown), and cholesterol. Gallstones can form when your body’s bile contains too much bilirubin or too much cholesterol. They can also form if your gallbladder does not empty completely or frequently enough.

How does life change after gallbladder removal?

Aunque una vesícula biliar sana y en funcionamiento ayuda a la digestión, es un órgano del que el hígado y el intestino delgado podrían prescindir. Tras la extirpación de la vesícula biliar, el hígado compensa la pérdida de bilis almacenada suministrando continuamente esta sustancia al sistema digestivo.

La bilis está menos concentrada cuando procede directamente del hígado y no de la vesícula biliar. Como resultado, tiene el potencial de actuar como un laxante y causar movimientos intestinales más frecuentes.

Puede tener más dificultades para digerir las grasas en las semanas siguientes a la operación. Esto puede provocar dolor de estómago, diarrea, hinchazón y exceso de gases. Por ello, el Dr. Belo proporciona instrucciones de cuidados posteriores para ayudar a los pacientes a evitar estos síntomas.

La mayoría de los problemas digestivos se resuelven por sí solos con el tiempo, a medida que el cuerpo se adapta a la vida sin la vesícula biliar. También pueden controlarse con algunos cambios en la dieta, la mayoría de los cuales son lo suficientemente saludables como para mantenerlos durante el resto de la vida.

Realice los siguientes cambios en su estilo de vida para evitar problemas digestivos tras la extirpación de la vesícula:

While a healthy, functioning gallbladder aids digestion, it is an organ that your liver and small intestine could do without. Following gallbladder removal, your liver compensates for the loss of stored bile by continuously supplying the substance to your digestive system.

Bile is less concentrated when it comes directly from the liver rather than the gallbladder. As a result, it has the potential to act as a laxative and cause more frequent bowel movements.

You may have more difficulty digesting fats in the weeks following your surgery. This can result in stomach pain, diarrhea, bloating, and excessive gas. As a result, Dr. Belo provides after-care instructions to help patients avoid these symptoms.

Most digestive issues resolve themselves over time as your body adjusts to life without a gallbladder. They can also be controlled with a few dietary changes, the majority of which are healthy enough to maintain for the rest of one’s life.

Make the following lifestyle changes to avoid digestion problems after gallbladder removal:

  • Adopt a low-fat diet and avoid eating highly fatty foods (such as potato chips, whole cheeses, creams, and ice cream).
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals instead of larger ones.
  • Eat a small meal after fasting for several hours.

To find out more about life after gallbladder removal, contact Dr. Núñez Santana office in PClínica Abreu, Suite 105, Calle Arzobispo Portes # 853, Gazcue, Santo Domingo, Rep. Dom. by calling 829-760-5732 to schedule a consultation. You may also request an appointment online at your convenience.

To learn more about life after gallbladder removal and its benefits, schedule a consultation with Dr. Nuñez Santana by contacting our scheduling team.

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